Why Do You See a Difference Between the Rapture and the Second Coming?

Manfred E. Kober, Th.D.

There are numerous contrasts between Christ’s coming as Bridegroom for His church (the Rapture) and His coming as Judge for the world (Second Advent or Revelation). At the Rapture Christ comes to take the living and dead saints to be with Him (1 Thess. 4:15-17). At the Second Advent He returns with His raptured and resurrected saints to defeat the armies at Armageddon and to establish His kingdom on earth (Revelation 5:10).


  1. Translation of all believers
  2. Translated saints go to heaven
  3. Unsaved not judged
  4. Any moment and without signs
  5. Not mentioned in Old Testament
  6. Affects only believers
  7. Before the time of wrath
  8. No reference to Satan
  9. Christ comes for His own
  10. He comes in the air
  11. He claims His bride for the marriage
  12. Only believers see Him
  13. The Tribulation begins


  1. No translation at all
  2. Translated saints return to earth
  3. Unsaved judged and righteousness established
  4. Follows specific, predicted signs, including Tribulation
  5. Numerous predictions in the Old Testament
  6. Affects all men
  7. Concludes the day of wrath
  8. Satan bound
  9. Christ comes with His own
  10. He comes to the earth
  11. He comes with His bride after the marriage
  12. Every eye shall see Him
  13. The Millennial Kingdom begins

© Manfred E Kober

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